about me
Hi, I'm Linus from Bern and it's my pleasure to meet you!
I'm inspired by thoughtful design and beautiful bicycles.

In 2020 I completed my Bachelor’s degree in
Product and Industrial Design with Specialisation in Design Management at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.
Design Management combines two ways of thinking: Design Thinking with Business Thinking. I am excited about the latest trends and feel enthusiastic about dynamic ideas, but I also have a structured and analytical way of working, which is crucial for any project planning.
“Design management works with and within uncertain situations, to deliberately initiate and devise a creative process for shaping a more desirable reality.” (Sebastian Rizal)
I really enjoy working with different kinds of personalities. As a team player, a healthy and lively working environment which includes a positive spirit is very important to me.
Only if everyone shares the same values and has a passion for the created product or service, an innovative and successful project can be realised.
I like....
- Crazy Ideas
- yummy food
- exploring new cultures
- black humour
- swiss mountains
- roger federer (not Djokovic)
- beautiful bicycles
- thoughtful design